Started by user pen Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a (origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a Commit message: "remove eclipse setting, add IntelliJ setting." > git rev-list --no-walk d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a # timeout=10 [Puyo] $ ant "-DPHPLOC_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phploc-4.0.1/vendor/bin/phploc " "-DPHPCS_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpcs-3.4.0/vendor/bin/phpcs " "-DPHPCPD_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpcpd-3.0.1/vendor/bin/phpcpd " -DPHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php56 "-DCOMPOSER_BIN=/usr/local/bin/composer " "-DPHPMD_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpmd-2.6.0/vendor/bin/phpmd " "-DPHPCB_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpcb-1.1.4/vendor/bin/phpcb " "-DPDEPEND_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpmd-2.6.0/vendor/bin/pdepend " "-DPHPDOC_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpdoc-2.8.5/vendor/bin/phpdoc " -DPHPDOX_BIN=/usr/lib/jenkins/phplib/phpdox-0.11.0-dev/vendor/bin/phpdox build Buildfile: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/api [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/code-browser [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/coverage [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/logs [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/pdepend [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/api [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/code-browser [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/coverage [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/logs [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/pdepend composer-dev: [exec] You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now. [exec] Loading composer repositories with package information [exec] Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file [exec] Nothing to install or update [exec] Generating autoload files parallelTasks: pdepend: phpcpd: [exec] PDepend 2.5.2 [exec] [exec] Parsing source files: [exec] phpcpd 3.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] 0.00% duplicated lines out of 2758 total lines of code. [exec] [exec] Time: 88 ms, Memory: 4.25MB phpcs: [exec] ............................... 31 [exec] [exec] Calculating Dependency metrics: [exec] ........... 226 [exec] [exec] Calculating Coupling metrics: [exec] .............. 297 [exec] [exec] Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity metrics: [exec] .............. 298 [exec] [exec] Calculating Inheritance metrics: [exec] .. 47 [exec] [exec] Calculating Node Count metrics: [exec] ........... 226 [exec] [exec] Calculating Node Loc metrics: [exec] ............ 259 [exec] [exec] Generating pdepend log files, this may take a moment. [exec] [exec] Time: 0:00:00; Memory: 17.00Mb phpmd: [exec] Result: 1 phpdoc: [exec] Collecting files .. OK [exec] Initializing parser .. OK [exec] Parsing files [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Calc/CheckDigit.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method modulus10wait3() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/DataStructure/Enum.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of __construct [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method getValue() [exec] No summary for method __toString() [exec] No summary for property $scalar [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Date/MonthCalc.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method calc() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Db/Dbal.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Argument $pdo is missing from the Docblock of __construct [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method getPdo() [exec] No summary for method query() [exec] No summary for method queryOne() [exec] No summary for method queryAsStmt() [exec] No summary for method execute() [exec] No summary for method prepare() [exec] No summary for method begin() [exec] No summary for method rollback() [exec] No summary for method commit() [exec] No summary for method close() [exec] No summary for property $pdo [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Db/DbalFactory.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for class \Puyo\Db\DbalFactory [exec] No summary for method getPdoOptions() [exec] Argument $host is missing from the Docblock of mysql [exec] Argument $dbname is missing from the Docblock of mysql [exec] Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of mysql [exec] Argument $pw is missing from the Docblock of mysql [exec] Argument $charset is missing from the Docblock of mysql [exec] No summary for method mysql() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/File/Generator/CsvLineGenerator.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for class \Puyo\File\Generator\CsvLineGenerator [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/File/Generator/LineGenerator.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for class \Puyo\File\Generator\LineGenerator [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/File/Iterator/ByteIterator53.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method setBufferSize() [exec] No summary for method next() [exec] No summary for method rewind() [exec] No summary for method valid() [exec] No summary for property $bufferSize [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/File/Iterator/CsvLineIterator53.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method next() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/File/Iterator/FileIterator53.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method createByPath() [exec] No summary for method __destruct() [exec] No summary for method current() [exec] No summary for method key() [exec] No summary for property $fp [exec] No summary for property $buf [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/File/Iterator/LineIterator53.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method next() [exec] No summary for method rewind() [exec] No summary for method valid() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Loader/Psr0.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for property $namespace [exec] No summary for property $includePath [exec] No summary for property $fileExt [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Loader/Psr4.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for property $nsPrefix [exec] No summary for property $baseDir [exec] No summary for property $fileExt [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Pager/Page.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Pager/Pager.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Argument $visiblePages is missing from the Docblock of getPagesAsArray [exec] No summary for method getPagesAsArray() [exec] No summary for method getPrevPageAsArray() [exec] No summary for method getFirstPageAsArray() [exec] No summary for method getLastPageAsArray() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Psr7/Stream.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method detach() [exec] Argument $fileOrStream is missing from the Docblock of setStream [exec] Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of setStream [exec] No summary for method setStream() [exec] No summary for method isAvailableStream() [exec] No summary for method closeTmpStream() [exec] No summary for property $fp [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Psr7/UploadedFile.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of writeFile [exec] No summary for method writeFile() [exec] No summary for property $clientFilename [exec] No summary for property $clientMediaType [exec] No summary for property $errorCode [exec] No summary for property $file [exec] No summary for property $moved [exec] No summary for property $size [exec] No summary for property $stream [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Security/Csrf/Strategy/IStrategy.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for interface \Puyo\Security\Csrf\Strategy\IStrategy [exec] No summary for method createToken() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Security/Csrf/Strategy/SessionId.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method createToken() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Security/Csrf/Strategy/SessionIdAbstract.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Security/Csrf/Strategy/SessionMicroTime.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method createToken() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Security/Csrf/LightManager.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Argument $strategy is missing from the Docblock of __construct [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method getToken() [exec] Argument $token is missing from the Docblock of checkToken [exec] No summary for method checkToken() [exec] No summary for method hasToken() [exec] No summary for method removeToken() [exec] No summary for property $tokenStrategy [exec] No summary for property $sessionKey [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Time/Clock.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method getToday() [exec] No summary for method getTodayAsInt() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Time/DTI.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Argument $interval is missing from the Docblock of add [exec] No summary for method add() [exec] Argument $format is missing from the Docblock of createFromFormat [exec] Argument $time is missing from the Docblock of createFromFormat [exec] Argument $timezone is missing from the Docblock of createFromFormat [exec] No summary for method createFromFormat() [exec] Argument $datetime is missing from the Docblock of createFromMutable [exec] No summary for method createFromMutable() [exec] Argument $modify is missing from the Docblock of modify [exec] No summary for method modify() [exec] Argument $year is missing from the Docblock of setDate [exec] Argument $month is missing from the Docblock of setDate [exec] Argument $day is missing from the Docblock of setDate [exec] No summary for method setDate() [exec] Argument $year is missing from the Docblock of setISODate [exec] Argument $month is missing from the Docblock of setISODate [exec] Argument $day is missing from the Docblock of setISODate [exec] No summary for method setISODate() [exec] Argument $hour is missing from the Docblock of setTime [exec] Argument $minute is missing from the Docblock of setTime [exec] Argument $second is missing from the Docblock of setTime [exec] Argument $microseconds is missing from the Docblock of setTime [exec] No summary for method setTime() [exec] Argument $unixtimestamp is missing from the Docblock of setTimestamp [exec] No summary for method setTimestamp() [exec] Argument $timezone is missing from the Docblock of setTimezone [exec] No summary for method setTimezone() [exec] Argument $interval is missing from the Docblock of sub [exec] No summary for method sub() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Time/MicroSecondTime.php [exec] Result: 2 phploc: [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Time/TimeRange.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for property $startTime [exec] No summary for property $endTime [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Util/Date.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Util/Json.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method decode() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Util/PhpError.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for class \Puyo\Util\PhpError [exec] No summary for method formatTraceAsString() [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/Util/Strings.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/src/Puyo/MultiProcessor.php [exec] No summary was found for this file [exec] No summary for method __construct() [exec] No summary for method startChildren() [exec] phploc 4.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] Directories 13 [exec] Files 31 [exec] [exec] Size [exec] Lines of Code (LOC) 2758 [exec] Comment Lines of Code (CLOC) 1050 (38.07%) [exec] Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC) 1708 (61.93%) [exec] Logical Lines of Code (LLOC) 608 (22.04%) [exec] Classes 577 (94.90%) [exec] Average Class Length 18 [exec] Minimum Class Length 1 [exec] Maximum Class Length 101 [exec] Average Method Length 2 [exec] Minimum Method Length 0 [exec] Maximum Method Length 34 [exec] Functions 0 (0.00%) [exec] Average Function Length 0 [exec] Not in classes or functions 31 (5.10%) [exec] [exec] Cyclomatic Complexity [exec] Average Complexity per LLOC 0.32 [exec] Average Complexity per Class 7.23 [exec] Minimum Class Complexity 1.00 [exec] Maximum Class Complexity 36.00 [exec] Average Complexity per Method 1.99 [exec] Minimum Method Complexity 1.00 [exec] Maximum Method Complexity 16.00 [exec] [exec] Dependencies [exec] Global Accesses 1 [exec] Global Constants 0 (0.00%) [exec] Global Variables 0 (0.00%) [exec] Super-Global Variables 1 (100.00%) [exec] Attribute Accesses 191 [exec] Non-Static 191 (100.00%) [exec] Static 0 (0.00%) [exec] Method Calls 149 [exec] Non-Static 126 (84.56%) [exec] Static 23 (15.44%) [exec] [exec] Structure [exec] Namespaces 13 [exec] Interfaces 1 [exec] Traits 0 [exec] Classes 30 [exec] Abstract Classes 3 (10.00%) [exec] Concrete Classes 27 (90.00%) [exec] Methods 181 [exec] Scope [exec] Non-Static Methods 149 (82.32%) [exec] Static Methods 32 (17.68%) [exec] Visibility [exec] Public Methods 172 (95.03%) [exec] Non-Public Methods 9 (4.97%) [exec] Functions 5 [exec] Named Functions 0 (0.00%) [exec] Anonymous Functions 5 (100.00%) [exec] Constants 2 [exec] Global Constants 0 (0.00%) [exec] Class Constants 2 (100.00%) [exec] Storing cache in "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/api" .. OK [exec] Load cache .. 0.020s [exec] Preparing template "clean" .. 0.018s [exec] Preparing 17 transformations .. 0.000s [exec] Build "elements" index .. 0.002s [exec] Replace textual FQCNs with object aliases .. 0.026s [exec] Resolve @link and @see tags in descriptions .. 0.003s [exec] Enriches inline example tags with their sources .. 0.002s [exec] Build "packages" index .. 0.004s [exec] Build "namespaces" index and add namespaces to "elements" .. 0.002s [exec] Collect all markers embedded in tags .. 0.001s [exec] Transform analyzed project into artifacts .. [exec] Applying 17 transformations [exec] Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Core\Transformer\Writer\FileIo" [exec] Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Twig\Writer\Twig" [exec] Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Graphs\Writer\Graph" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "twig" [exec] Execute transformation using writer "Graph" [exec] Unable to find the `dot` command of the GraphViz package. Is GraphViz correctly installed and present in your path? 3.041s [exec] Analyze results and write report to log .. 0.002s phpunit: [exec] PHPUnit 5.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. [exec] [exec] Runtime: PHP 5.6.40 with Xdebug 2.5.5 [exec] Configuration: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/unittest/phpunit_ci.xml [exec] [exec] ............................................................... 63 / 159 ( 39%) [exec] ............................................................... 126 / 159 ( 79%) [exec] ................................. 159 / 159 (100%) [exec] [exec] Time: 1.53 seconds, Memory: 17.50MB [exec] [exec] OK (159 tests, 515 assertions) [exec] [exec] Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done [exec] [exec] Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done phpcb: build: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 9 seconds Using GitBlamer to create author and commit information for all warnings. GIT_COMMIT=d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a, workspace=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo > git rev-parse d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a^{commit} # timeout=10 Using GitBlamer to create author and commit information for all warnings. GIT_COMMIT=d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a, workspace=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo > git rev-parse d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a^{commit} # timeout=10 Using GitBlamer to create author and commit information for all warnings. GIT_COMMIT=d7f2d24dc535b78e99ba22eb6d44f5cb275d3c5a, workspace=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo Publishing Clover coverage report... Publishing Clover XML report... Publishing Clover coverage results... Recording test results Publishing Javadoc Publishing Clover coverage report... Clover HTML report '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/logs/clover.xml' does not exist and was not copied! Clover XML file 'clover.xml' does not exist in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Puyo/build/logs/clover.xml' and was not copied! Processing Clover XML report ... Could not find 'build/logs/clover.xml/clover.xml'. Did you generate the XML report for Clover? [JDepend] JDepend plugin is ready [JDepend] Found 31 classes in 14 packages Archiving artifacts [COVCOMPLPLOT] Collecting Data... [COVCOMPLPLOT ERROR] [COVCOMPL] No [Clover] plugin result. [Clover] plugin should be peformed first to generate Cov/Compl plot. Finished: SUCCESS