

  1. add all-test script (details)
  2. add phpmd rule (details)
  3. remove eclipse setting, add IntelliJ setting. (details)
Commit 7bdcefb9fecac954d3d27e5a85920e354424cb0b by pen
add all-test script
The file was addedunittest/utall
Commit f7319c29713d31c1e5017441ef41b613529c7800 by pen
add phpmd rule
(cherry picked from commit 083d19bf0baf99a86eacce072bce3ae9df70dc54)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was addedpmd.xml
Commit 38686fd21d9b8dd6c0468c08707ade8ffab1a75c by pen
remove eclipse setting, add IntelliJ setting.
The file was added.idea/puyo.iml
The file was removed.buildpath
The file was added.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
The file was added.idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was added.idea/.name
The file was added.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
The file was added.idea/php.xml
The file was added.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml
The file was added.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
The file was added.idea/encodings.xml
The file was added.idea/modules.xml
The file was removed.project
The file was added.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml